1983 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Maurice Wubbels : Class 1 - The Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven
Photo of Maurice Wubbels    Monday: Son of Man
  Tuesday: Son of Abraham
Wednesday: Son of David
 Thursday: Son of God
   Friday: Sons of God
Brother Steve Johnson : Class 2 - Lessons from David's Life
Photo of Steve Johnson    Monday: Day 1
  Tuesday: Day 2
Wednesday: Day 3
 Thursday: Day 4
   Friday: Day 5
Brother John Warner: Evening Program: Priscilla and Aquila (3rd Period Class 1)
Brother Duncan Kenzie: Evening Program: Barnabus (3rd Period Class 2)
Brother Ted Sleeper: Evening Program: Naomi and Ruth (3rd Period Class 3)
Brother Robert Sleeper: Evening Program: Baruch ben Neriah (3rd Period Class 4)
Brother Charles Deighton: Evening Program: Saul of Tarsus (3rd Period Class 5)