1985 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Harry Whittaker : Class 1 - 1st Period - Neglected Prophecies of the Messiah
Photo of Harry Whittaker    Monday: Day 1
  Tuesday: Day 2
Wednesday: Day 3
 Thursday: Day 4
   Friday: Day 5
Brother Ron Waye : Class 2 - The Pursuit of the Fullness of Christ
Photo of Ron Waye    Monday: Day 1
  Tuesday: Day 2
Wednesday: Day 3
 Thursday: Day 4
   Friday: Day 5
Brother Harry Whittaker : Class 3 - 4th Period - Genesis
Photo of Harry Whittaker    Monday: Genesis Chapter 1
  Tuesday: Genesis Chapter 2
Wednesday: Genesis Chapter 2 continued
 Thursday: Genesis Chapter 3
   Friday: Genesis Chapter 4