2007 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Simon Dean : Class 1 - Power in Weakness (Handouts A, B, C)
Photo of Simon Dean    Monday: Faces Towards Heaven
  Tuesday: Death is at Work in Us
Wednesday: You Can Tell a Tree by its Fruit
 Thursday: A Head in the Clouds and a Thorn in the Flesh
   Friday: Filling up What is Lacking in Christ's Afflictions
Brother Duncan Kenzie : Class 2 - Forgiveness and Reconcilliation (slides with notes)
Photo of Duncan Kenzie    Monday: Basics of God's Forgiveness
  Tuesday: Forgiveness at the Core of God's Plan
Wednesday: Forgiveness between People
 Thursday: Forgiveness is Unconditional
   Friday: Transformation through Forgiveness
Brother Kyle Tucker : Class 3 - Fasting (Slides)
Photo of Kyle Tucker    Monday: Overview of Fasting
  Tuesday: Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
Wednesday: Medical Benefits of Fasting
 Thursday: Fasting and Famine
   Friday: Nature of Trials
Brother Ray Riley: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation: Exhortation