1993 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)
Brother Dean Brown: The Example of the Apostle Paul | |
Class 1: Saul of Tarsus | |
Class 2: The Presence of God | |
Class 3: Paul's Apostleship | |
Class 4: Paul's Preaching Work | |
Class 5: Paul's Sufferings | |
Brother Les Sage: Miracles of Christ (Handout) | |
Class 1 | |
Class 2 | |
Class 3 | |
Class 4 | |
Class 5 | |
Brother Tom Hawksworth: What Went Ye Out for to See | |
Class 1 | |
Class 2 | |
Class 3 | |
Class 4 | |
Class 5 | |
Brother George Booker: Pictures of Redemption (Handout) | |
Class 1: Ye Are Bought with a Price | |
Class 2: Shepherd of the Sheep | |
Class 3: A Bride Adorned for Her Husband | |
Class 4: The Love of Christ Constraineth Me | |
Brother Robert Sleeper: Evening Lecture The One Body |
Brother John Warner: Evening Lecture Give Thanks to the Lord |