2005 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Joe Hill: The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Photo of Joe Hill Class 1: Mark's Messiah: Apostles, Healings and Loaves
Class 2: The Gospel in Isaiah
Class 3: Matthew and the Jewish Feasts
Class 4: Fulfilling the Law - The Shema and Love Thy Neighbor
Class 5: The Psalms of Jesus
Brother John Launchbury: Principles of Salvation
Photo of John Launchbury Class 1: The Present Work of Christ
Class 2: Change Us, Not God
Class 3: He Gave His Life
Class 4: Faith and Forgiveness
Class 5: Savior Judge
Brother John Nicholls: Daniel - The Man Greatly Beloved (Plan Map of Babylon)
Photo of John Nicholls Class 1: Daniel Purposed in His Heart (Slides)
Class 2: Daniel Blessed the God of Heaven (Slides)
Class 3: Thou Hast Not Humbled Thy Heart (Slides)
Class 4: My God Has Sent His Angel (Slides)
Class 5: At the End of the Days (Slides)