2012 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Marco Dondero: The Prism of Judgment and Wisdom’s Rainbow
Photo of Marco Dondero Class 1: Seven Types of Judgments and Seven Colors of the Rainbow
Class 2: Wisdom, the Light of Exposure and Revealing (Handout)
Class 3: Preparing for Judgment
Class 4: Facing the Judge
Class 5: Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment
Brother Darren Guy: Westling with Jacob
Photo of Darren Guy Class 1: With Esau
Class 2: With the House of Esau
Class 3: With Rachel
Class 4: In Grief
Class 5: In Joy
Brother Duncan Kenzie: Twenty-First Century Discipleship (Slides)
Photo of Duncan Kenzie Class 1: 21st or First Century Challenges?
Class 2: Grace and Faith Versus Law and Works
Class 3: Reconciling Our Belief Systems
Class 4: Repentance and Change
Class 5: Character of a Disciple
Brother Joshua Dean: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation: God's Faithfulness to His Covenant
Brother Darren Guy: Tuesday Evening Talk Preaching Through the Life of Joseph
Brother Ted Sleeper: Thursday Evening Talk The Day the World Disappeared (Slides at a later date)