2010 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother John Greenwood: The Spirit of God
Photo of John Greenwood Class 1: God's Enduring Testimony (Slides) (the first 14 minutes have degraded audio, sorry)
Class 2: God's Mighty Power (Slides)
Class 3: God Was in Christ (Slides)
Class 4: God's Good Gifts (Slides)
Class 5: God's Loving Care (Slides)
Brother Christian Russell: The King is Dead; Long Live the King!
Photo of Christian Russell Class 1: The God King (Slides)
Class 2: How Long Will These People Reject Me? (Slides)
Class 3: A Scepter Shall Rise Out of Israel (Slides)
Class 4: Ruling in the Fear of God (Slides)
Class 5: Long Live the King (Slides)
Brother John Warner: Judges
Photo of John Warner Class 1: Overview and History
Class 2: Postscripts
Class 3: The Lord Raised up Judges
Class 4: The Leaders Take Lead
Class 5: Conclusion (Handout)
Brother Duncan Kenzie: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation Jesus, Man of Sorrows
Brother Joshua Gallagher: Tuesday Evening Devotional Why are we Here?
Brother Taylor Spencer: Wednesday Evening Devotional Life's Journey
Brother Andrew Merg: Thursday Evening Devotional God's Handiwork