2016 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Cameron Beeler: Our Kingdom Lives
Photo of Cameron Beeler Class 1: Following God and Living in the Light - Handout
Class 2: My Priesthood - Handout
Class 3: My Offering - Handout
Class 4: My Sabbath - Handout
Class 5: Kingdom Living - Where Do We Go from Here? - Handout
Brother George Booker: Freedom and Assurance of Glory - Handout
Photo of George Booker Class 1: We Are In Christ, and Christ Is In Us
Class 2: The Spirit of Sonship: Our New Relationship with God
Class 3: Present Sufferings and Future Glory
Class 4: Intercession and Predestination: Our Place in God's Plan
Class 5: "Super-conquerors": Our Assurance in Christ
Brother Jeff Paggi: Second Principles of the Bible Guiding Us on the Way
Photo of Jeff Paggi Class 1: The First Principles Are Still the First Principles. But Are We Listening? - Slides
Class 2: Seek Justice - Slides
Class 3: Act Justly - Slides
Class 4: Defending and Pleading for the Poor - Slides
Class 5: Love Mercy and Walk Humbly with our God - Slides
Brother George Booker: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation: The Crown of Thorns