2008 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Colin Edwards: Twenty One Centuries Later
Photo of Colin Edwards Class 1
Class 2, (handout 1), (handout 2)
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Brother Ted Sleeper: That I Might Know Him
Photo of Ted Sleeper Class 1: This is Eternal Life (1), (slides)
Class 2: This is Eternal Life (2), (slides)
Class 3: Confronting the Cross, (slides)
Class 4: Our Great High Priest, (slides)
Class 5: I Will Be With You Always, (slides)
Class 6: Faith In Christ, (slides)
Brother Mark Vincent: From Paradise to the Promised Land, (slides)
Photo of Mark Vincent Class 1: Introduction and the Book of Genesis
Class 2: The Book of Exodus
Class 3: The Book of Leviticus
Class 4: The Book of Numbers
Class 5: The Book of Deuteronomy
4th Period Classes
Brother Jim Seagoe: Taking Posession of their Inheritance
Norman Duke: The Rest of the Kingdom
Panel Discussion: Prophecy Forum
Brother Colin Edwards: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation