2013 Adult Class Audio Files (mp3)

Brother Karam Ram: The Sermon on the Mount
Photo of Karam Ram Class 1: Discipleship (Slides)
Class 2: The Radical Rabbi (Slides)
Class 3: The Kingdom of God (Slides)
Class 4: Righteousness (Slides)
Class 5: Congratulations... (Slides)
Brother John Pople: Solomon and Delilah
Photo of John Pople Class 1: The Mysterious Song: What is the Song of Songs actually about? (Slides)
Class 2: Siren Song from Lebanon: Beloved’s character and her affect on the King (Slides)
Class 3: Symbols of the Song: Lilies, Doves & Myrrh (Slides)
Class 4: The Bewitched King: Telling interactions with the Watchmen and
the Daughters of Jerusalem
Class 5: Here There Be Giants: The Preacher’s confession (Slides)
Brother Dyron Hamlin: The Big Picture: Faith-Boosting Evidence for the Why of All Things.
Photo of Dyron Hamlin Class 1: Natural (Slides)
Class 2: Personal (Slides)
Class 3: Historical (Slides)
Class 4: Cultural
Class 5: Prophetical
Brother David Cox: Sunday Memorial Service Exhortation: As Christ has Welcomed Us (Reading: Romans 1)
Brothers Jonathan Wallace and Adam Ifill: Monday Evening Talk: Finding God in the Emergency Dept.
Brother Rick Szabo: Teusday Evening Talk: South Africa Mission